
Hi! I'm Cee.

I’m a spiritual seeker and classic introvert, so writing about myself makes me feel icky. But despite its discomfort, I have learned the value of writing as creative expression for self-growth, which I’d like to share.

I grew up in the nineties, so I’m considered a millennial; I emote though memes, and use humor as a defense mechanism. I grew up silent and cautious, learning to hide in the background and express myself only when I was sure no one was around to judge me. I’ve always had an interest in occult practices and seeking esoteric knowledge through things like oracle cards, tarot cards, astrology, and chakras.

I’ve been practicing as a Registered Nurse in Canada for over a decade, playing the “let’s go back to school game” when I became distraught over the social landscape of my job. A diploma, several post-graduate courses, and one Masters degree later, I still felt no sense of purpose, so I looked to ancient modalities for answers, and discovered the benefit of cannabis as a tool for self-actualization.

As I started to smoke weed, I began to journal, discovering newfound wisdom—or “weedsdom”—by reflecting on things which were both serious and silly, like modern society, my own psychological trauma, and if hand writing should be considered body language.

As a recreational cannabis user with a background in healthcare, my intention is to lift the stigma surrounding its use, and psychedelic use in general. Through them, I believe there is a potential to discover the building blocks behind our psyches, which makes us capable of evolving into our best selves.

Regardless of your stance on psychedelics, I aim to trigger your own self-contemplation through silly stories of the psychoactive mind. For those interested in spirituality, psychology, philosophy, nineties nostalgia, reflections on modern society, memes, destiny, fate, or plans of the divine universe, you are at home here. For others, at the very least, maybe I’ll be that hippie friend that spouts entertaining nonsense when you need a distraction from a life of the mundane: open-minded, non-judgmental, and eager to cheer you up.

Buckle up buckaroos; it’s going to be a fun ride.

What is this "weedsdom" you speak of?

“Weedsdom” is a play on words: It’s wisdom triggered by weed (cannabis), and is a by-product of Bud-dism. 

It’s a reflection of the deep insight that comes from a mind activated with THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive ingredient of cannabis. Weedsdom doesn’t need to to be serious, but it is meant to be profound.

What is Bud-dism?

Bud-dism (bud-is-um) is both a mindset and a sect of spirituality coined after the THC-saturated bud (flower) of the cannabis plant which is known to induce psychedelic effects. It involves the internal exploration of the Self under the influence of a high, towards enlightenment through personal reflection. Bud-dism is the liberation of the mind: psychology and spirituality working in tandem towards one’s inner growth through self-knowing.

Buddhism vs Bud-dism

“How dare you!” you may say.

“Are you trying to make fun of Buddhism?!”


Well, no—of course not. First of all, identify any volatile feelings and ask yourself why they may be triggered with this thought.

Second, realize that Buddhists themselves would probably the least triggered by the association because, the thing about Buddhism, is that it’s not a religion in strict terms surrounding tenents or dogma, but more about each person being free to make their own choices and interpretations of life.

Yes, it is characterized by aspects like the Four Noble Truths (suffering, attachment, liberation, and the path of liberation), and the practice of an Eight Fold Path, but ultimately these support each other to lead an individual towards their own truth, or experience, of this world. Bud-dism (my little sect of spirituality) is not meant as an insult to practitioners of Buddhism, but is meant as an alternative route to the philosophy behind its teachings.

There has long been an association driving users of psychedelics to Buddhism and meditative practices. Interestingly, a large number of Buddhist-converts rolled off the back of the sixties and seventies when sex, drugs and rock and roll influenced chemical experimentation with psychedelics, so I’m not making this shit up entirely.

In Buddhism, it is said that truth (dharma) is everywhere and it doesn’t spread, rather, people awaken to it. The interesting thing is that this ‘truth’ can be different for everyone. I take more of a psychological route with Bud-dism—through the empirical influence psychedelics have on our minds—believing this truth is about finding meaning in, and through life, by analyzing and letting go of any conditioning we’ve been taught (or created ourselves) which could contribute to our own mental dis-ease.

Weedsdom and Bud-dism analyze the past through a focus on the present to inform the future, which is not monopolized by any one spiritual practice. It is an insight into the way our minds work—philosophy, psychology, and psychedelia—tethered together by cannabis as a tool for this purpose. 


Despite having a professional medical background, I am not endorsing the use of cannabis or other psychedelics for medical conditions outside of a doctor’s advice. I am not encouraging anyone to use cannabis if they don’t want to, or trying to pretend to have any higher level of scientific credibility than your average Google search. If you are an adult, you can make you’re own decisions surrounding  “drug use”. Don’t absolve yourself of any accountability saying “But Cee told me so-and-so!” because . . . no. 

Additionally, this is meant to be a safe space where differing opinions are part of the fun. That being said, bullying, harassment, or general disrespect of others is not permitted, and certainly not intentional.