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Controversial Opinion: Good Men Created Porn

As western society and women’s liberation evolves, I like to think empathy was a by-product of intellectual progress. Thankfully, most men have realized we are loveable creatures, surrounding them as we have for centuries as mothers, daughters, and wives. Despite some obvious differences, our physiology is identically human. We have become more than property, autonomous, and valuable as partners, lovers, and friends.

Progress is the price for a civilized society, and to continue to evolve as one, fighting our baser animal urges is essential.

With less stimulation of the brain—without empathy for others—the body reigns, deferring to the animal inside us and that genetic code we haven’t yet been quite able to shake:

Have sex. Reproduce. Survive.

We cannot escape our animal urges however, and despite our progress, men remain visual creatures triggered by the call of flesh. Some of us grow up to be wary of men and the power they have over women and other disenfranchised groups—physically, economically, or otherwise. The sexual desires of men have become scary stories told around a campfire: their DNA triggered like a werewolves’, trying to fight their animal nature, when a full moon threatens to transform them into mindless beasts.

In my opinion, the modern man seeks to be good, thinking,

“How could I channel this desire—feed this beast—while respecting other people at the same time?”

Generally, humans become their most creative selves when trying to solve a problem. The problem posed: how can one get their rocks off while respecting a person’s right to consent to sexual relations?

To avoid hurting others, it makes sense to me that man circumvents his desire with an outlet, and invents pornography.

So perhaps, noodie pictures and films were well intentioned (much like LSD was by doctors in the 1950s) to advance the emotional evolution of man, helping him triumph over his baser inclination for sexual conquest.

Disclaimer: Above reflections are based on a heteronormative viewpoint of historical male and female relationships. They are not meant to offend, alienate or dismiss other gender or sexual expressions which undoubtedly exist, and are equally valid. Words of Weedsdom are merely ruminations of a High mind opening doorways of perception . . .

. . . kinda like those holiday doors from Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas: open up, look in, and turn the other cheek if you don’t like it. The world still turns.

(TL:DR: Please don’t come after me).